MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

find(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities find(1)
Message: "–type c" is invalid
Cause: You specified the –type primary but did not follow with a valid character to
represent the file type.
Action: Check the DESCRIPTION section for a list of valid characters for use with the
–type primary.
Message: bad number specification in "string"
Cause: You specified an option that takes a numeric value (for example, –atime,
–ctime), but you did not specify a valid number after the option.
Action: Ensure that options that take a numeric value are followed by a valid number
(only decimal digits, preceding by an optional plus or minus sign).
Message: cannot access file "filename": system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: cannot execute "filename": system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: cannot stat file "filename" for -newer: system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: error reading directory "pathname"
Cause: You attempted to read the directory pathname. You do not have read permis-
sions on this directory.
Action: If you need to access the directory pathname, see your system manager about
acquiring read permissions for that directory. If you do not need to access it, no
corrective action is required.
Message: group name "name" is unknown
Cause: You specified the –group primary but did not specify a valid group name.
Action: Specify a valid group name after the –group primary.
Message: Insufficient memory
Cause: There were not enough free system resources to perform the specified operation.
Action: Free up more resources.
Message: must specify a command after -exec/-ok
Cause: You specified either the –exec or the –ok primary without specifying a com-
mand to be performed.
Action: Provide the missing command.
Commands and Utilities 1-235