MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

head(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities head(1)
Message: Badly formed line/character count "num"
Cause: The value num, following a –b, –c, –k, –l, –m,or–n option was not a valid
Action: Ensure that num is a valid number.
Message: filename: system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: insufficient memory
Cause: There were not enough free system resources to perform the specified operation.
Action: Free up more resources.
Message: Missing number after "option" option
Cause: You specified the –b, –c, –k, –l, –m,or–n option without providing the value
Action: Provide the missing number.
Message: read error on file "filename": system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: Unknown option "–option"
Cause: You specified an option that is not valid for head.
Action: Check the DESCRIPTION section of this man page for a list of valid head
Message: write error on standard output: system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
POSIX.2. x/OPEN Portability Guide 4.0.
The POSIX.2 standard only includes the –n num and num options though it considers the lat-
ter obsolete.
For information on how the current MPE/iX implementation may affect the operation of this
utility, see Appendix A, MPE/iX Implementation Considerations.
cat(1), sed(1), tail(1)
1-264 Commands and Utilities