MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

mailx(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities mailx(1)
Ref Meaning
n Message number n
n-m Messages n through m
. The current message
ˆ The first undeleted message
(or first deleted message for undelete)
$ The last message
* All messages
+ Next message
- Previous message
user All messages from the given user
/string All messages with string in the subject line
(the case of characters in string is ignored)
:d All deleted messages
:n All new messages
:o All old messages
:r All messages that have already been read
:u All unread messages
Table 1-7: Reference Notations
Several refs may be specified for the same command, separated by spaces. For example,
p alice lewis
displays all messages from alice plus all messages from lewis.
The arguments allowed at the end of a command mode command depend on the command
itself. If a command allows a file name as an argument, the usual file name generation charac-
ters may be used in the file name. See sh(1).
The following list shows the commands recognized in command mode. In every command
name, some characters are enclosed in square brackets. These characters are optional. For
example, the p[rint] command may be given as print or p.
a[lias][alias [name ...]]
sets up an address alias. If you issue a command to send mail to the given alias, the
messages are actually sent to the given list of names. For example, you might issue
the command
alias joe jsmith
From this point onward, you can address messages to joe and they are sent to
jsmith. You may also set up an alias for several people, as in
1-308 Commands and Utilities