MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

make(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities make(1)
standard output. This feature works with group recipes, but in these cases, make
executes the commands. If make finds the string $(MAKE) in a recipe line, it
expands it, adds –n to the MAKEFLAGS, and then executes the recipe line. This
allows you to see what recursive calls to make do. The output correctly shows line
breaks in recipes that are divided into several lines of text using the \<newline>
–p displays the digested makefile including the complete set of macro and target defini-
tions in a human readable form that is useful for debugging, but cannot be used as
input to make.
–q checks whether the target is up-to-date. If it is up-to-date, make exits with a status
of 0; otherwise, it exits with a status of 1 (typically interpreted as an error by other
software). When you specify –q, make does not execute any commands unless they
have a plus sign (+) prefix.
–r does not read the default rules from the startup file defined by the
environment variable.
–S terminates make if an error occurs during operations to bring a target up-to-date
(opposite of –k). This is the default.
–s does not display the commands make executes, warning messages, or touch mes-
sages (see the –t option). This is equivalent to the .SILENT attribute or macro.
–t touches the targets to mark them as up-to-date, but only executes commands to
change a target if the target has a plus sign (+) prefix. make does not touch targets
that are already up-to-date or targets that have prerequisites but do not have recipes.
make displays a message for each target file which indicates the file name and that it
was touched.
–u forces an unconditional update: make behaves as if all the prerequisites of the given
target are out-of-date.
–V displays the version number of make and a list of built-in rules.
–v displays a detailed account of make’s progress. This includes what files it reads, the
definition and redefinition of each macro, meta-rule and suffix rule searches and
other information.
–x exports all macro definitions to the environment. This happens before make begins
making targets (but after it reads the entire makefile).
A target is normally a file that you want to ensure is up-to-date with the files on which it is
dependent. For example, you may want to check to see if a compiled
C program is based on
the most recent version of its source code and if not, recompile the source code to get an
Commands and Utilities 1-335