MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

make(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities make(1)
The general format of a rule is
targets [attributes] ruleop [prerequisites][;recipe]
{<tab> recipe}
The parts of the rule are described as follows.
targets one or more target names.
a list, possibly empty, of attributes to apply to the list of targets.
ruleop a separator string that separates the target names from the prerequisite names and
may also affect the processing of the specified targets.
a list of zero or more names on which the specified targets depend.
may follow on the same line as the prerequisites, separated from them by a semicolon
(;). If such a recipe is present, make takes it as the first in the list of recipe lines
defining how to make the named targets. Additional recipe lines may follow the first
line of the rule. Each such recipe line must begin with a tab character.
The possible rule operators are listed as follows.
targets : prereqs
simple rule definition. You can specify only one set of rules for making a target,
except within meta-rules. In meta-rules, you can specify more than one recipe for
making the target. If a target has more than one associated meta-rule, make uses the
first meta-rule that matches.
targets :! prereqs
executes the recipe for the associated targets once for each recently changed prereq-
uisite. Normally, the recipe is executed only once, for all recently changed prerequi-
sites at the same time.
targets :ˆ prereqs
inserts the specified prerequisites before any other prerequisites already associated
with the specified targets.
targets :– prereqs
clears the previous list of prerequisites before adding the new prerequisites.
1-340 Commands and Utilities