MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

make(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities make(1)
Making Libraries
A library is a file containing a collection of object files. To make a library, you specify it as a
target with the .LIBRARY attribute and list its prerequisites. The prerequisites should be the
object members that are to go into the library. When make makes the library target, it assigns
the .LIBRARYM attribute to the prerequisites. This tells the file search mechanism to look for
the member in the library if it cannot find an appropriate object file.
make tries to handle the old library construct format in a sensible way. When it finds
lib(member), it declares the lib portion as a target with the .LIBRARY attribute and the mem-
ber portion as a prerequisite of the lib target. To make the library properly, old makefile
scripts using this format must name the lib as a target and must try to bring it up to date. The
same thing happens for any target of the form lib((entry)). These targets have an additional
feature in that the entry target has the .SYMBOL attribute set automatically.
You specify the conditional expression as follows:
.IF expression
... if text ...
... else text ...
.IF expression
... if text ...
.ELSIF expression2
... elsif text ...
... else text ...
The .ELSE or .ELSIF portion is optional, and you can nest the conditionals (that is, the text
may contain another conditional). The .IF, .ELSE, .ELSIF, and .END must start in the
first column of the line. expression or expression2 can have one of three forms:
is true if the given string is non-NULL,
string == string
is true if the two strings are equal, and
1-352 Commands and Utilities