MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

calendar(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities calendar(1)
calendar — appointment reminder system
calendar []
Note: The MPE/iX implementation of this utility does not function exactly as this man page
describes. For details, see the MPE/iX NOTES section at the end of this man page.
With no options, calendar displays all current appointments on the standard output.
calendar searches the file calendar in the current directory, looking for lines that match
either today’s or tomorrow’s date. On Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, tomorrow extends through
to Monday. Each appointment must fit on a single line, with the date formatted as one of:
January 27
jan 27
Note: The month name may be abbreviated to three letters; the case is not significant; the
month can be given numerically.
calendar accepts the following option:
searches for a calendar file in each home directory found in the user database.
calendar sends mail to the corresponding user for any appointments that are found
to be current. Mail is sent using the mailx utility or alternatively the utility named
in the
environment variable.
If today is Friday April 7th, and the following calendar file is found in the current direc-
tue mar 7 1:00 pm dentist
Sat April 8 Trip to the zoo
mon april 10 3:30 pm job interview
4/11 vacation starts
calendar prints the following:
Sat April 8 Trip to the zoo
mon april 10 3:30 pm job interview
1-76 Commands and Utilities