Samba 3.0.22 Porting by Vidya Sagar

Normally POSIX environment are controlled by various shell variable, which you can define in the .profile file in home
directory or home group. On entering into the POSIX shell, this file is read and sets the variable if specified. Edit that file to
include the following entries:
#create some aliases
alias ll="ls -l"
alias lsf="ls -F"
alias mpe="callci ci,2"
alias scan=”find . –type f | xargs grep”
alias rm=”rm –I”
#set the PATH variable to search bin and sbin of your group for any command
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/bin:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/samba/bin
#set the MANPATH variable to search man directory of your group for manpages
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man:$HOME/man
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/local/samba/man:/$HPACCOUNT/$HPGROUP/man
export CC=gcc
In POSIX the editor we use is vi. The startup file for vi is .exrc resides in logon user’s home directory/group. Edit the .exrc
to override the default behavior of vi with following entries:
:map ^[B j
:map ^[D h
:map ^[C l
:map ^[V ^B
:map ^[U ^F
:set nows
:set ic
These settings are not mandatory but prove to be very helpful, you can use the .exrc file to implement your own favorites.
Now we have the build machine ready for porting Samba-3.0.22. Likewise you can setup your build machine for any port.
Build machine Summary/Conclusion
At this point one should have in place the basic file sets necessary to perform an Open Source Port, have built a basic file
structure on MPE and done some customizations to the command line environment to make it more “Unix-like”.
3 Porting
This section describes how to port Samba-3.0.22 on MPE/iX which has recently been done by vCSY, by making use of
the various concepts discussed in earlier sections. Samba-2.2.8a was already ported on MPE/iX, hence this is more of
refreshing the Samba to new version instead of doing a fresh port. Normally, porting an application involves the steps
specified below:
Analyze the application considered for port for the features that can be supported on MPE/iX and prepare a list of
the same.
Download the source code from the application’s official site.
Uncompress and untar the source code (also referred as tarball).
Apply the “diff” of previously ported version, if exists. This indicates the refresh of already existing port.
Adjust, generate and run script “configure” to make the application ready for compilation.
6. Build prototypes.
Modify source code to accommodate known MPE/iX limitations and issues.
8. Compile, link and install, i.e., build the application and install.
Set proper capabilities for the binaries.