Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 6 109
Intrinsics for Node and Environment Status
NSINFO Intrinsic
(input/output) 16-bit integer, by reference. Specifies environment
by environment number. See the discussion for an
explanation of the use of envID, envIDlength, and envnum.
status (output) 16-bit integer, by reference. If the intrinsic call was
successful, 0 is returned. Otherwise, an environment
error number is returned.
NOTE The following parameters appear in pairs to identify an item of data.
One to five item pairs may be specified in the call. For brevity, all five
item pairs will be described as itemnum i and item i, where i is 1, 2, ... 5.
inemnum i (input) 16-bit integer, by value. Item number identifying
the item i service to be performed.
item i (output) Data type varies. By reference. Value of the item
specified by the corresponding itemnum i; the data type
of the item value depends on the item itself.
Valid itemnums and the corresponding items are:
1. node length 16-bit integer. Length of the following node name
item, in bytes. This item must precede item 2.
2. node 52-byte character array. Name of the node where the
environment is located. This item must be preceded by
item 1.
3. logon length 16-bit integer. Length of the following logon length
item, in bytes. This item must precede item 4.
4. logon 54-byte character array. Logon string (for example,
user.acct,group) used to log on environment session. This
item must be preceded by item 3.
5. trace
information Array of 25 16-bit integers. Information about
tracing of one service’s NetIPC messages to the remote
environment. In an NSINFO call using this item, the
first word of the array must be set to the service for
which the trace information is to be retrieved. The
remainder of the fields will be filled in with the data by
NSINFO. The array has the format shown in Figure 6-1.