Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 6 111
Intrinsics for Node and Environment Status
NSINFO Intrinsic
8. NFT service 16-bit logical. If true (odd), a process in this job or
session has requested NFT service on some
environment. This item is independent of the
environment specified by envID or envnum.
9. prompt length 16-bit integer. Length of the following prompt string,
in bytes. This item must precede item 10.
10. prompt 8-byte character array. String to be used as the
REMOTE mode prompt. Item 9 must precede this item.
11. VT service 16-bit logical. If true (odd), then VT service has been
established on the environment. If false (even), there is
no VT service for the environment.
12. RFA service 16-bit logical. If true (odd), then RFA service has been
established on the remote environment. If false (even),
there is no RFA service for the environment.
13. node envnums
length 16-bit integer. Contains the number of envnums
entered into the array supplied by item 14. If 0 is
returned, then no environments are defined on the node
specified in envID. This item must precede item 14.
14. node
envnums Array of 100 16-bit integers. Will be filled with the
envnums of environments defined on the node whose
name is specified in envID. Must be preceded by item 13.
16. logged on 16-bit logical. If true (odd), a remote session has been
logged on for the environment. If false (even), there is
no remote session for the environment.
18. local node
length 16-bit integer. The length, in bytes, of the name of the
local node. This item is independent of the environment
specified by envID or envnum. It must precede item 19.
The NS transport must have been started for this to
19. local node
name 52-byte character array. The name of the local node.
This item must be preceded by item 18. The NS
transport must have been started for this to succeed.
21. service use
count 16-bit integer. Count of the number of services
currently sharing the environment.
25. RPM son 16-byte integer. If true (odd), the remote environment
contains an RPM son process. If false (even), the RPM
service is not active for the environment.