Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

124 Chapter 6
Intrinsics for Node and Environment Status
NSSTATUS Intrinsic
16. user type 16-bit integer. Returns a value indicating one of the
following conditions:
1 = Named user is not present.
0 = Named user is remote.
1 = Named user is local.
17. num
environments 16-bit integer. Number of active environments for the
user on the indicated node. If the named user is not
present, then -1 is returned.
18. environment
list 2400-byte character array (output). List of
environments for the user on the indicated node.
Formats for the data structures of the environment list
and environment list entries are shown in Figure 6-9
and Figure 6-10 respectively.
Figure 6-9 Env List Data Structure