Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 6 125
Intrinsics for Node and Environment Status
NSSTATUS Intrinsic
Figure 6-10 Env List Entry Data Structure
19. autologon
supported 16-bit integer. Returns a value indicating one of the
following conditions:
-1 = Named service not installed.
0 = Named service does not support autologon.
1 = Named service supports autologon.
29. autologon
enabled 16-bit integer. Returns a value indicating one of the
following conditions:
-1 = Named service not installed.
0 = Autologon is off for the named service.
1 = Autologoni is on for the named service.
21. NS session’s
information 86-byte character array. The initiator’s (job or
session) information of the requested VT session on an
indicated node. Format of the output array is shown in
Figure 6-11.