Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

126 Chapter 6
Intrinsics for Node and Environment Status
NSSTATUS Intrinsic
Figure 6-11 Initiator’s Information Format
For items 1 through 3, the name and namelength parameters are ignored.
For items 4 through 6, the name and namelength parameters specify the
service for which NSSTATUS information will be returned.
For items 7 through 12 the name and namelength parameters specify the
server type.
For items 13 through 18, the name and namelength parameters specify
the user for whom information will be returned. The format can be
user.acct (specifying the user and account), or #J/Snnn (where J is the
job number and S is the session number). Note: if there is more than
one session for a user.acct, only information on the first session found
will be returned.
The calling user must have Node Manager (NM) capability to retrieve
all except item numbers 1, 4, 5, and 6. This intrinsic may not be called
in split stack mode. The condition code remains unchanged.
Some of the data structure fields are described with the term “CM
word.” A CM word is a compatibility mode word. This is a 2-byte long,
2-byte aligned field. This corresponds to an SPL type LOGICAL or
INTEGER or any 16-bit interger in other languages such as both CM