Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

138 Chapter 7
Remote Process Management
10 = Group Library, then Account Public
Library, then System Library.
bit 9 — NOCB bit. If on, file system control blocks
are established in an extra segment. If off, control
blocks may be established in the Process Control
Block Extension (PCBX) area. Default: off. This
bit should be set on if the new process uses a
large stack.
bits 7 and 8 — reserved for MPE; should be off
bits 5 and 6 — STACKDUMP bits. A coded bit
pattern that controls the enabling/disabling of
stack dumping in the event of a program abort.
The default is 00:
00 = enable stack dumping for new process
only if enabled at master level;
01 = enable stack dump unconditionally;
10 = same as 00;
11 = disable stack dump unconditionally.
bit 4 — reserved for MPE; should be off.
bits 0 to 3 — These four bits are used only if the
STACKDUMP bits are 01; otherwise they are
ignored. Bits 1–3 represent portions of the slave
program’s stack. If bit 3 is on, the portion of the
stack from DL to QI (Q-initial) is dumped; if off,
this portion is not dumped. If bit 2 is on, the
portion of the stack from QI to S is dumped. If
bit 1 is on, the portion of the stack from Q-63 to S
is dumped. If bit 0 is on, the stack dump is
interpreted in ASCII characters in addition to
octal values; if off, no ASCII interpretation is
performed. The default for each of these bits is
The default conditions noted above take effect if the Create flags option
(flags) or the entire opt parameter is omitted.
Initial stack size (code 22004, 2-byte integer). The data portion of
this parameter contains an integer (Z–Q) denoting the size, in words,
of the local stack area bounded by the initial Q and Z values. This
parameter corresponds to item number 4 of the MPE/iX