Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 7 141
Remote Process Management
Normally, RPMCREATE allows only one remote process per remote
session. Bit 30 of the RPM flags parameter allows multiple RPM remote
processes in a remote session. This session-sharing option of RPM is
only available in HP’s software release UB delta 2 or later. The only
required parameters are progname, namelen, location, and loclen. (The
intrinsic is option variable.) In order for multiple processes to reside in
a common remote session, three criteria must be satisfied:
All the processes must have been created with bit 30 of the flags
parameter set. Remote processes created without this bit set will not
share sessions with processes that do have it set.
All the processes must have been created from processes residing
within the same session on the local node. Processes that are
running in different local sessions will RPMCREATE remote processes
into different remote sessions.
All the processes must have the same logon string including session
name, if any. All the necessary passwords must match.
The remote session may be any session that RPMCREATE would
normally use, including VT-created sessions, that is, sessions created
using the REMOTE HELLO command.
The new process will run in an existing remote session (created by
REMOTE HELLO) if you specify the appropriate environment ID in the
location parameter. A new session will be created on the remote node if
one does not already exist. RPM uses the logon sequence specified in
the login parameter (and the password in password) unless (1) a logon is
specified in a prior DSLINE command for the remote environment (in
the LOGON option), and (2) bit 0 of the flags parameter (the high-order
bit, which causes the DSLINE information to be ignored) is off. In other
words, the order of priority (from high to low) is: existing session;
DSLINE logon; RPMCREATE logon. But the “ignore DSLINE information”
flag forces the use of the RPMCREATE logon instead of a DSLINE logon.
If the new process is to be created on a remote node and the login
parameter is omitted, then a remote session must already exist or logon
information must be given in a prior DSLINE command. For example,
let's say that a previous DSLINE command has defined “S” as an
environment ID for node FINANCE, with logon USER.ACCT. Then an
RPMCREATE call giving “S” as the location and omitting the login
parameter will create a session on FINANCE for USER.ACCT.
Once an RPMCREATE call has been made for a remote environment, you
cannot issue remote commands for that environment until the remote
process has terminated (for example, has been killed via RPMKILL). If
an independent RPM process has been left in the remote environment
after the process that created it has terminated, and you issue a
DSLINE ;CLOSE command for the remote environment, you will first be
asked whether you want to kill the remote RPM process. If you kill the