Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 8 185
Redirecting NetCI Input and Output
Redirecting NetCI Input and Output
NetCI allows you to easily redirect input and output instead of using
$STDIN and $STDLIST. You redirect input through script files and
output through log files. Figure 8-3 shows NetCI installed on node K
with input and output passing through a virtual terminal configured on
the remote nodes. Commands are transmitted over network
connections through VT and are executed on the remote nodes. This
figure shows that the script file contains the input, while the log file
contains the output.
Scripting and logging may be used separately or simultaneously. When
you use the scripting and logging operational modes, NetCI redirects
the input and output.
The input is redirected from the keyboard to the script file and the
output is redirected from the terminal screen to the log file. The
different modes of operation are:
Scripting only (input from script file and output to screen)
Logging only (input from keyboard and output to log file and screen)
Scripting and logging (input from script file and output to log file and
not to screen)
No scripting and logging. (interactive session where input is from
keyboard and output is to screen)
Figure 8-3 Redirecting Input and Output