Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 8 199
Logging (Redirecting Output)
Logging (Redirecting Output)
Logging allows you to store in a log file all output from a process or
operation that takes place on configured nodes. You can redirect output
to a log file with the LOG command and direct output solely to the
screen with the LOGRESET command. These two commands may be
used either inside or outside a script file. Refer to the pages that follow
for more information on these two commands. When you are in logging
only mode, output will be directed to the log file and to the screen. This
capability enables you to respond with input from the keyboard since
the scripting mode is not activated.
Accessing Log File
The log file containing the output will reside on the management node
(where NetCI is installed) in the user.account configured for this node.
For example, when you enter
NetCI executes a script file called SCRIPT1 on node Y. If you recall our
sample internetwork, node K is the management node. If you also
recall, the script file called SCRIPT1 (refer to “Writing and Executing
Script Files”) redirects output to the log file called LOGFILE1. When you
execute SCRIPT1 on node Y with PLAY, the output will be stored in
LOGFILE1 on node K in the operator.sys account.
Example Figure 8-5 shows logging being activated with input from the keyboard
and output to both the screen and to FILE1. The straight line under
Output Mode in the example indicates when and how long the output is
redirected to the screen and/or to the FILE1. Notice how LOGRESET
returns output back to the screen.