Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

22 Chapter 2
Virtual Terminal
Figure 2-1 Virtual Terminal Service
In addition to your local session, you can also create multiple remote
sessions on your own local node or on remote nodes. Optionally, you can
configure your own remote prompts, so that you can identify each
remote environment by its prompt.
In order to create a remote session, you can use either REMOTE
:nodename followed by a logon, or, you can use DSLINE nodename followed
by a REMOTE HELLO user.acct. After using either the DSLINE command
or the REMOTE HELLO command, you then use the REMOTE command in
order to be able to use commands in the remote environment. The
following pages will explain how to use these commands.
For recommended programming practices for VT-connected devices,
refer to the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer’s
Reference Manual.