Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

204 Chapter 8
Scripting and Logging
Figure 8-6 Scripting and Logging Activated (Example 1)
Example 2
Figure 8-7 first shows logging being activated by input from the
keyboard. Output is to the screen and to a log file called FILE1. Since
you may need to interactively respond to the output, it will also be
displayed to the screen. Next, you execute a script file called SCRIPT1
with PLAY. While the script file is executing, input is from the script
file and output continues to FILE1 since the script file has not
redirected the output. The output continues to FILE1 since the user is
not required to interactively respond during execution. The
LOGRESET command then resets the output to the screen. If
LOGRESET is not specified, output will continue to the screen and to
FILE1 since the output modes prior to script file execution take effect.