Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

26 Chapter 2
Virtual Terminal
DSLINE Command
prompt will return to the one you set with SETVAR
HPPROMPT. For an example, refer to the discussion
under the REMOTE command.
logonsequence Specifies a logon sequence for the remote system, which
can be used by NFT and RPM in order to create a
temporary session on the remote node. (See the NFT
and RPM chapters of this manual for a discussion of
when this logon will take effect.) The logon sequence
must include all necessary passwords. It must be
delimited by quotation marks if it contains characters
which might cause it to be parsed incorrectly by the
remote system.
traceoptions Enables or disables tracing to the remote environment.
You can trace the messages sent by any network service
(VT, NFT, etc.) between your local session and the
remote environment.
The trace records the actual message traffic for each
intrinsic call or interactive request, including both
network service headers and user-supplied data. You
can also trace Transport Layer protocol activity
supporting this Network Service traffic.
Other levels of tracing are available through Network
InterProcess Communication and Node Management
Services. The specific traceoptions parameters are:
The service parameter can be: VT, RFA, NFT, RPM, or
ALL. Through these choices, you can activate or
deactivate tracing for one or all Network Services. The
other parameters have the following meanings:
file: The name of a new or existing MPE/iX file in
which the trace is to be stored. If this parameter is
omitted, the trace information is sent to a default file
named TRxxxxxx, where TR is followed by the six
leading characters of the remote environment ID.
recs: The number of records allotted to a new trace
file. Default: 1024.
maxdata: The maximum amount of data to be traced
on an individual send or receive request, a value
from 0 to 8000 bytes. Default: 2000 bytes.
TRANS: Requests tracing of Transport Layer protocol
activity, specifically headers and port messages.