Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

54 Chapter 3
Remote File Access
RFA Programmatic Access
You can call the MPE/iX FFILEINFO intrinsic to retrieve information
about a remote file. In the FFILEINFO intrinsic, ITEM 61 returns the
environment ID of a remote file’s location — over an NS link. If the file
is located on your local system, ITEM 61 returns a blank. The condition
codes for the file system intrinsics retain their normal meanings.
Network connection errors return a CCL condition code. If such an
error occurs, you can call the MPE/iX FCHECK intrinsic to determine the
source of the error. File System error codes apply to the remote file. You
can also call the MPE/iX PRINTFILEINFO intrinsic to display the status
of the remote file.
NOTE To ensure that the formal designator representing a remote file is
syntactically correct, you should always call the FPARSE intrinsic
within your program. This intrinsic is documented later in this chapter.
For further information on MPE/iX file system intrinsics, including
FOPEN, FPARSE, IOWAIT, and IODONTWAIT, see the MPE/iX Intrinsics
Reference Manual.