Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

Chapter 3 55
Remote File Access
FPARSC Intrinsic
FPARSC Intrinsic
Parses a file designator and determines whether it is syntactically
FPARSE (string,result[,items][,vectors])
string (input) Byte array, by reference. The file designator that is
to be parsed. The string can be terminated by any
non-alphanumeric character except a slash, period,
colon, underscore, or dash (/, ., :, _, -).
result (output) Array of two 16-bit integers, by reference. A value
indicating the result of the parse, returned in the first
16-bit word. (The second 16 bits are reserved.) If the
value is positive, the file string is syntactically correct
and the value indicates the type of file reference being
0 = regular formal designator
1 = back reference (first character is *)
2 = system file (first character is $)
A negative value represents the error code returned.
The error messages are listed in the NS 3000/iX Error
Messages Reference Manual.
items (input) Array of 16-bit integers, by reference. An array of item
codes representing portions of the file string. The item
codes (except for 0) may be included in any order; the
same order is followed in the output vectors array. Item
code 0 indicates the end of the items array.
The item codes have the following definitions:
0 = indicateds end of this array
1 = file name
2 = lockwood
3 = group name
4 = account name
5 = environment ID
Note that an initial $ is considered part of the file name
portion, while * is not.