Using NS3000/iX Network Services (36920-90008)

94 Chapter 5
Network File Transfer
Using Checkpoint and Restart with DSCOPY
Following are examples of how to use CHECKPT and RESTART:
1. The following example shows checkpointing being initiated for an
IMAGE dataset file. The checkpoint interval is the default
(5 minutes). The restart ID will not be written to a file, but will be
written to $STDLIST if QUIET has not been specified or if output has
not been disabled.
2. The following example shows checkpointing being initiated for the
remote producer case. You have specified a new checkpoint interval
(60 seconds), a restart ID file (IDFILE), and a record in that file where
the restart ID will be written (12)
3. This example shows checkpointing being initiated in a generic
transfer. You have specified a new checkpoint interval (600 seconds)
and a restart ID file (IDFILE). The restart ID will be written to the first
record in the file, by default.
4. This example shows a restart being specified as a global option. All
other global options are ignored. The restart ID is 4.
5. This example shows a restart being specified as a non-global option.
The restart ID is 2. Checkpointing is also specified in order to change
the previous checkpoint interval to 100 seconds.:
6. This example shows the restart option with the restart ID file
specified. The restart ID will be obtained from the first record of this