ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

118 Chapter4
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 746-2100
found in the WITH clause of GENPLAN.
ACTION Remove the language, default, or column clause from the
WITH clause of GENPLAN.
1102 MESSAGE SQL Linearizer internal NLS error. (DBERR
CAUSE Internal error.
ACTION Record as much information as possible and contact your
HP Service Representative or Response Center.
1103 MESSAGE Duplicate VariableName found in the WITH
clause of GENPLAN. (DBERR 1103)
CAUSE The WITH clause of GENPLAN has a duplicate
ACTION Rename or remove the duplicate
from the
WITH clause of GENPLAN.
1104 MESSAGE Duplicate RUN BLOCK clause defined. (DBERR
CAUSE You specified the RUN BLOCK clause twice in the START
DBE or START DBE NEW statement.
ACTION Issue the command again specifying the RUN BLOCK
clause once.
1105 MESSAGE USER not permitted in table CHECK constraint.
(DBERR 1105)
CAUSE You specified a CHECK constraint with USER.
ACTION Remove the use of USER in the CHECK constraint and
reissue the statement.
1106 MESSAGE CURRENT_DATE not permitted in table CHECK
constraint. (DBERR 1106)
CAUSE You specified a CHECK constraint with
ACTION Remove the use of CURRENT_DATE in the CHECK
constraint and reissue the statement.
1107 MESSAGE CURRENT_TIME not permitted in table CHECK
constraint. (DBERR 1107)
CAUSE You specified a CHECK constraint with
ACTION Remove the use of CURRENT_TIME in the CHECK
constraint and reissue the statement.
1108 MESSAGE CURRENT_DATETIME not permitted in table CHECK
constraint. (DBERR 1108)