ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

148 Chapter5
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 2101-2419
2266 MESSAGE Unnamed CHECK constraint invalid. (DBERR
CAUSE An unnamed CHECK constraint will not be executable
and so is not valid.
ACTION Identify the unnamed constraint which fits this condition
and identify the problem with this CHECK constraint by
examining the error or errors prior to this one. Correct the
problem of those errors in order to make the CHECK
constraint executable.
2267 MESSAGE Column ! must allow nulls since table !.! is
not empty. (DBERR 2267)
CAUSE A NOT NULL specification in an ALTER TABLE
statements requires that the table be empty, or that a
non-null DEFAULT clause be used.
ACTION Include a non-null DEFAULT clause.
2268 MESSAGE CONSTRAINT !.! for table ! not found. (DBERR
specified is not a valid
stored in the database.
ACTION Re-issue the DROP CONSTRAINT statement with a valid
2269 MESSAGE PRIMARY KEY can not be dropped since it is
referenced by a FOREIGN KEY. (DBERR 2269)
CAUSE PRIMARY KEY constraints can only be dropped when
they are not being referenced by any FOREIGN KEY.
ACTION Verify whether you want to drop the FOREIGN KEY
references before executing this statement again.
2270 MESSAGE PRIMARY KEY already exists in table !.!.
(DBERR 2270)
CAUSE A PRIMARY KEY is already defined in the table, and only
1 PRIMARY KEY is allowed in a table.
ACTION You may want to drop the defined PRIMARY KEY if it is
not the intended PRIMARY KEY for this table.
2275 MESSAGE Referenced table in foreign key cannot be a
view (!.!). (DBERR 2275)
CAUSE The table named in a REFERENCES clause was a view.
ACTION Change the table to the base table on which the view is
2276 MESSAGE User/group ! is using ! authority to support