ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

162 Chapter5
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 2101-2419
CAUSE The named rule definition's EXECUTE PROCEDURE
clause will not be executable and so is not valid.
ACTION Identify the problem with the rule definition by examining
the error or errors accompanying this one. Correct the
problem identified in those errors in order to make the
rule's EXECUTE PROCEDURE clause executable.
2354 MESSAGE Rule !.! not found. (DBERR 2354)
CAUSE The named rule was not found.
ACTION Re-issue your DROP RULE statement after verifying that
the proper rule was named.
2355 MESSAGE Rule ! not found on table !.!. (DBERR 2355)
CAUSE The named rule was not found on the named table.
ACTION Re-issue your DROP RULE statement after verifying that
the proper table and rule were named, or issue the
statement without the table name.
2356 MESSAGE Rule !.! already exists. (DBERR 2356)
CAUSE The name of the rule given in the CREATE RULE
statement is the name of an existing rule.
a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP on a table has resulted in a
duplicate rule name.
ACTION Issue the CREATE RULE statement with a rule name
unique for the table owner.
2357 MESSAGE Name ! used for both OLD and NEW in rule !.!.
(DBERR 2357)
CAUSE You specified the same correlation name for both the OLD
and NEW correlation names.
ACTION Reissue the statement using the default correlation names
or with distinct OLD and NEW correlation names.
2358 MESSAGE Duplicate column ! in update column list of
rule !.!. (DBERR 2358)
CAUSE You specified the named column more than once in the
UPDATE statement type column list of your CREATE
RULE statement.
ACTION Re-issue your CREATE RULE statement after checking
that no column name is specified more than once in the
UPDATE statement type column list.
2360 MESSAGE Error number cannot be NULL for RAISE ERROR.
(DBERR 2360)
CAUSE The error number given to the RAISE ERROR statement