ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

Chapter 6 181
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 2420-2795
2619 MESSAGE Invalid date entered, February 29th invalid
for non-leap year. (DBERR 2619)
CAUSE You tried to insert a datetime value which was not valid.
ACTION Enter the correct date.
2620 MESSAGE Result of DATE/TIME arithmetic exceeds
maximum value allowed. (DBERR 2620)
CAUSE The arithmetic produced a value greater than the
maximum allowed.
ACTION Verify that the requested arithmetic should produce a
result which exceeds maximum values specified.
2621 MESSAGE Result of DATE/TIME arithmetic less than
minimum value allowed. (DBERR 2621)
CAUSE The arithmetic produced a value less than the minimum
ACTION Verify that the requested arithmetic should produce a
result which is less than the minimum values specified.
2622 MESSAGE Size of datetime literal less than valid
default size. (DBERR 2622)
CAUSE You tried to insert a datetime value of incorrect length.
ACTION Verify that all datetime literals in the query are of the
correct size.
2623 MESSAGE Date value contains a field greater than
valid range allowed. (DBERR 2623)
CAUSE You tried to insert a date value which was not valid.
ACTION Verify that all fields of all date literals are within the valid
2624 MESSAGE Date value contains a field less than valid
range allowed. (DBERR 2624)
CAUSE You tried to insert a date value which was not valid.
ACTION Verify that all fields of all date literals are within the valid
2625 MESSAGE Date data value does not match default format
specification. (DBERR 2625)
CAUSE You tried to insert a date value which did not meet the
default specification criteria.
ACTION Verify that all datetime literals in the query are specified
in the default specification "YYYY-MM-DD."
2626 MESSAGE Size of date literal less than valid default