ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

Chapter 9 289
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 11007-22540
CAUSE Command was entered incorrectly.
ACTION Issue the command again. You can use the HELP
command to verify your syntax.
20070 MESSAGE *** SQLMIGRATE log file (AASQLMIG) already
exists. (DBERR 20070)
CAUSE AASQLMIG, a temporary file used by SQLMigrate,
already exists in the same location as the DBECON file.
Another user is probably running SQLMigrate on another
DBEnvironment at the same time.
ACTION Try again later.
20080 MESSAGE *** Cannot create BBSQLMIG file. (! !, !)
(DBERR 20080)
CAUSE BBSQLMIG, a temporary file used by SQLMigrate,
already exists in the same location as the DBECON file.
Another user is probably running SQLMigrate on another
DBEnvironment at the same time.
ACTION Try again later.
20200 MESSAGE *** Invalid target version. Use the SHOW
VERSIONS command. (DBERR 20200)
CAUSE The release of SQLMigrate being used does not support
the version that was specified in the last command.
ACTION Use the SHOW VERSIONS command to determine the
valid versions that may be used with this release of
20201 MESSAGE *** DBEnvironmentName is too long. Maximum
length is !. (DBERR 20201)
CAUSE A DBEnvironmentName is restricted to operating system
file naming conventions.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX General User's Reference Manual for
information on file naming conventions.
20202 MESSAGE *** Cannot MIGRATE FORWARD to earlier
version. (DBERR 20202)
CAUSE A logic error was encountered in the command. The
keyword FORWARD is only used when migrating an older
version DBEnvironment to one that is compatible with a
newer release of ALLBASE/SQL.
ACTION Either change the keyword FORWARD to BACKWARD, or
change the target version. Issue the command again.
20203 MESSAGE *** Cannot MIGRATE BACKWARD to later version.
(DBERR 20203)
CAUSE A logic error was encountered in the command. The