ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

Chapter 10 319
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 22800-
CAUSE A file system error was encountered.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX Error Message Manual, Volume 1.
34555 MESSAGE SystemFileName could not be created. (HPFOPEN
!, !, !, !) (DBERR 34555)
CAUSE A file system error was encountered.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX Error Message Manual, Volume 1.
34556 MESSAGE SystemFileName could not be rewritten.
(HPFOPEN !, !, !, !) (DBERR 34556)
CAUSE A file system error was encountered.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX Error Message Manual, Volume 1.
34557 MESSAGE SystemFileName could not be closed. (! !, !,
!, !) (DBERR 34557)
CAUSE A file system error was encountered.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX Error Message Manual, Volume 1.
34560 MESSAGE Could not write to SystemFileName. (FSERR !,
!, !, !) (DBERR 34560)
CAUSE A file system error was encountered.
ACTION Refer to the MPE/iX Error Message Manual, Volume 1.
34585 MESSAGE Timeout expired (! seconds, FNC !) (DBERR
CAUSE SQLMON was not able to obtain some internal resource
that was needed to complete the last command (for
example, perhaps another session had obtained an X
(exclusive) or an IX (intent exclusive) lock on a table that
SQLMON was trying to read from).
ACTION You may wish to use the SET USERTIMEOUT command
to set a higher timeout value and issue your original
command once again.
34610 MESSAGE The timeout expired during an attempt to "Get
Statistics" on table !.!, which exists within
DBEFileset ! (DBERR 34610).
CAUSE SQLMON was not able to obtain some internal resource
that was needed to complete the last command (for
example, perhaps another session had obtained an X
(exclusive) or an IX (intent exclusive) lock on the table
that SQLMON was trying to read from).
ACTION You may wish to use the SET DBEFILESET command to
specify another DBEFileset, and issue your original
command once again. You can visit the STATIC screen to
determine the DBEFileSets that exist within your