ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

36 Chapter2
ALLBASE/SQL Warning Messages
ACTION Ignore the warning, or MOVE the DBEFile to a desired
device using SQLUtil.
2025 MESSAGE User ! has no grantable authority on !.!.
(DBWARN 2025)
CAUSE You issued a GRANT ALL statement but have no Owner
or DBA authority and have no grantable privileges on the
table. Nothing was granted.
ACTION No action required.
2026 MESSAGE REVOKE CASCADE has dropped a view or foreign
key. (DBWARN 2026)
CAUSE A view or foreign key depended on the SELECT or
REFERENCES privilege being revoked, so REVOKE
CASCADE dropped the dependent item.
ACTION Rollback will recover the item if it needs recovery;
otherwise, no action is necessary.
2027 MESSAGE Column ! not found in table/view !.!. (DBWARN
CAUSE A column included in a column-level GRANT was not
found in the table or view specified.
ACTION If the column was mis-spelled, revoke that column
authority and grant on the correct column.
2028 MESSAGE User ! already has ! authorization on columns
of !.! from a different grantor. (DBWARN
CAUSE Your GRANT of a table level authority has overridden one
performed by another grantor. The column authorities
given by that grantor are removed, and replaced with your
table level authorities (with you as the grantor).
ACTION None necessary. The other grantor will not be able to
revoke this table level authority.
2029 MESSAGE User ! does not have any explicit authority
on !.!. (DBWARN 2029)
CAUSE REVOKE ALL failed to find any applicable authorities for
the given user.
ACTION None necessary. REVOKE ALL will only include those
authorities which the revoker is authorized to revoke, so
the user may still have authorities from other grantors.
Owner and DBA are authorized to revoke all authorities.
2040 MESSAGE Character string truncation during storage in
variable. (DBWARN 2040)