ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

48 Chapter2
ALLBASE/SQL Warning Messages
the DBEnvironment are different.
ACTION Set NLUSERLANG to the proper language, if using native
10606 MESSAGE Native version of ALLBASE/SQL message catalog
not accessible. (DBWARN 10606)
CAUSE The native version of SQLCTxxx.PUB.SYS was not found.
ACTION Install native message catalog, if required.
10607 MESSAGE Program name exceeds maximum module name
length. Truncated
to 20 bytes. (DBWARN 10607)
CAUSE The program name is used as the module name when none
is specified in the program invocation line. A program
name was specified which is longer than the maximum
allowed module name length of 20 bytes.
ACTION Modify the source file to specify a program name with a
length of 20 bytes or less.
10608 MESSAGE ALLBASE/SQL preprocessor warning. (DBWARN
CAUSE A warning condition was detected by the preprocessor.
Additional warning messages will be returned.
ACTION Refer to the cause and action of the additional warning
10609 MESSAGE ALLBASE/SQL statement parser warning. (DBWARN
CAUSE A warning condition was detected by the statement parser.
Additional warning messages will be returned.
ACTION Refer to the cause and action of the additional warning
10610 MESSAGE ALLBASE/SQL query processor warning. (DBWARN
CAUSE A warning condition was detected by the query processor.
Additional warning messages will be returned.
ACTION Refer to the cause and action of the additional warning
10611 MESSAGE Cannot obtain user's language. Default
language !
assumed. (DBWARN 10611)
CAUSE The NLUSERLANG job control word is set to an
unrecognized language.
ACTION Set NLUSERLANG to a supported language.