ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

Chapter 2 67
ALLBASE/SQL Warning Messages
ACTION If you need the limit increased, please contact your HP
Service Representative or Response Center.
34074 MESSAGE Number of indexes exceeds internal maximum
(DBWARN 34074)
CAUSE In shared memory, B-tree index ids are represented by
TIDs. During the SET DBENVIRONMENT command,
SQLMON reads from SYSTEM.INDEX and
SYSTEM.CONSTRAINT to obtain information that maps
each B-tree TID to an OWNER.TABLE/INDEX name.
There is a limit to the number that can be mapped: if the
number of B-tree indexes within the DBEnvironment
exceeds the limit, then DBWARN 34074 is displayed. A
B-tree index encountered after the limit has been reached
is treated as follows: In the SAMPLEIO subsystem, the
index is never displayed on the INDEXES or TABINDEX
screens, even though I/O activity might have been
observed for it, because the internal limit also affects the
number of indexes for which historical I/O data is
maintained. The index can appear on the OBJECTS
screen if it is observed in the data buffer pool: the name of
the index is displayed in TID format, instead of as an
OWNER.TABLE/INDEX string, and the TOTALIO field is
always '???'. In the STATIC subsystem, the index is never
ACTION If you need the limit increased, please contact your HP
Service Representative or Response Center.
34075 MESSAGE Number of DBEFiles exceeds internal maximum
(DBWARN 34075)
CAUSE In shared memory, DBEFile ids are represented by
integers. During the SET DBENVIRONMENT command,
SQLMON reads from SYSTEM.DBEFILE to obtain
information that maps each integer to a DBEFile name.
There is a limit to the number that can be mapped: if the
number of DBEFiles within the DBEnvironment exceeds
the limit, then DBWARN 34075 is displayed. A DBEFile
encountered after the limit has been reached is treated as
follows: In the SAMPLEIO subsystem, the DBEFile is
never displayed on the SAMPLEIO screen, even though
I/O activity might have been observed for it, because the
internal limit also affects the number of DBEFiles for
which historical I/O data is maintained. In the STATIC
subsystem, the DBEFile is never displayed.
ACTION If you need the limit increased, please contact your HP
Service Representative or Response Center.