HP C Programmer's Guide (92434-90009)

Chapter 7 175
Using C Programming Tools
Using lint
by sending the message:
warning: precedence confusion possible: parenthesize!
The lint command judges it bad style to redefine an outer block variable in an inner
block. Variables with different meanings should normally have different names. If
variables are redefined, the message sent is:
redefinition hides earlier one
The -h option suppresses lint diagnostics of strange constructions.
Standards Compliance
The lint libraries are arranged for standards checking. For example,
lint -D_POSIX_SOURCE file.c
checks for routines referenced in file.c but not specified in the POSIX standard.
The lint command also accepts ANSI standard C -Aa as well as compatible C -Ac. In
ANSI mode, lint invokes the ANSI preprocessor (/lib/cpp.ansi) instead of the
compatibility preprocessor (/lib/cpp). ANSI mode lint should be used on source that is
compiled with the ANSI standard C compiler.