HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

4-: 35
Figure 4-20. Specifying the Error Message Display Interval
1 This line defines the terminal file, TERMINAL.
Column 51 contains the number of seconds (8) to pause when
displaying errors. You can enter a number from 0 to 9. If you
enter 0, all messages are suppressed.
Changing VPLUS Forms. This section tells you how to display a second
VPLUS form in a program.
The number of forms that you can use is limited only by the number of
forms that can be placed in a forms file. The second and successive
forms are retrieved differently from the first. The first form displayed
in a program is retrieved using the GETNXT action. To retrieve
additional forms, use the CHGNXT action instead of GETNXT. Also enter
Input and Output record descriptions for the new form(s).
Figure 4-21 shows how to retrieve a form from the forms file, FORM2.
(The form is only retrieved, not displayed.) For instructions on how to
display the form, see the section "Displaying an Initialized VPLUS Form."
You display a form the same way shown in that section except that you
omit the GETNXT action. You also perform exception output for the new
form rather than the original.
See the
HP RPG Reference Manual
for details about the fields used in the
TERMINAL action output record.