HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

4-: 61
1 This line turns ON indicator 41.
2 This line displays the RSI form. All fields having indicator 41
associated with them in SIGEDITOR are highlighted when the form
is displayed.
A Sample Program Using RSI. This section lists a complete program that
processes data using RSI forms.
The program updates the D-ACCOUNTS data set. This data set keeps
customer information such as account numbers, names and addresses. The
data set is part of the TurboIMAGE MARKET database whose schema is shown
in Figure 3-23. The RSI form is the one shown in Figure 4-24.
Customer records are accessed by the customer's account number. To add a
record, the user presses command key 1 then enters an account number.
"CMD-1 Add" is highlighted and the user can then proceed to add data for
the new customer. When input is complete, the user presses ENTER .
Similarly, to modify an existing record, the user presses command key 2
then enters an account number. "CMD-2 Change" is highlighted and the
customer information in the D-ACCOUNTS data set is displayed. The user
can then change that information, pressing ENTER when input is
complete. To display existing account information for a customer, the
user presses command key 3 then enters the customer's account number. To
delete a customer record, the user presses command key 5 then enters an
account number. The user is asked to confirm the delete, then the record
is purged from the data set.