HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

3- 17
Figure 3-14. Reading a KSAM File Randomly and Sequentially - Using File
Description Continuation Lines
1 This line defines the KSAM file, MASTERC.
Column 16 is C to indicate that the file is processed in a
CHAINed fashion.
Column 28 is R to indicate that MASTERC is processed randomly.
Column 32 is I to specify that This is a KSAM file.
2 This line equates the KSAM file, MASTERD to MASTFL.
Column 53 is K to indicate that this line is a Continuation line
Columns 54-58 are DSNAMEMASTFL to specify that the file MASTFL
is to be used for MASTERC.
3 This line defines the KSAM file, MASTERD.
Column 16 is D to indicate that MASTERD is a demand file.
Column 28 is L to specify that MASTERD will be processed within
key limits.
Column 32 contains I to specify that this is a KSAM file.
4 This line equates the KSAM file, MASTERD, to MASTFL.
Column 53 is K to indicate that this line is a Continuation line
Columns 54-58 are DSNAMEMASTFL to specify that the file MASTFL