HP System Dictionary/XL Utilities Reference Manual - Part 1 SDDBD (32256-90003)

Appendix C 161
SDDBC Error Messages
Miscellaneous Messages (4400–4449)
4409 0MESSAGE: MPE command is too long (SDERR 4409)
CAUSE: The entered MPE command is too long.
ACTION: Limit the MPE command to 256 characters and reenter it.
4410 0MESSAGE: Invalid MPE command (SDERR 4410)
CAUSE: The specified MPE command is not a legal MPE command.
ACTION: Enter a legal MPE command.
CAUSE: The specified MPE command is not allowed to be issued from within this program.
ACTION: Enter an MPE command that can be issued through the Command intrinsic.
4411 0MESSAGE: MPE Executor error number ! (SDERR 4411)
CAUSE: An error was encountered while executing the MPE command.
ACTION: Use the error number to look up the error for the specified command in the MPE
Intrinsics Manual.