HP System Dictionary/XL Utilities Reference Manual - Part 1 SDDBD (32256-90003)

42 Chapter4
Loading of IMAGE Definitions
IMAGE Data Sets
After the successful loading of the new IMAGE data set definition or the discovery of a
compatible definition, SDDBD creates the image-database contains image-dataset
relationship. The following table shows how the attributes are initialized:
Attribute Value assigned
sensitivity From user command
capacity That of IMAGE data set
image-alias That of IMAGE data set, if a new name was given
for the data set
blocking-factor That of the IMAGE data set
For each manual master data set, the image-dataset key element relationship is created
with the data set's search item.
After loading an IMAGE data set definition, SDDBD creates a record entity. Note that
when processing the data set definition, if a compatible definition was found, no record is
created. In fact, SDDBD assumes that the existence of a compatible data set definition
implies the existence of a compatible record definition. Also note that even if a conflicting
data set definition is skipped, the corresponding record definition will be created.
For record definitions, a compatible definition is defined to be an old definition that has
the same byte-length and the same element composition.
The record being created has the same entity name as the data set. As with data items and
data sets, when an incompatible record definition is found in the dictionary, the following
message and prompt are issued:
Incompatible definition exists for record ! (SDWARN 2507)
Skip, Replace, enter New name, or Terminate (S/R/N/T)? >
If you respond with “S” to the option, no record definition is created, but all relationships
involving the record are established. If you respond with “R”, the old definition is replaced
with the new. If you respond with “N”, the following prompt is issued:
New primary record name >
The new name must be unique within the current domain and version. The original record
name (entity name of the data set) is assigned to the image-alias attribute. The record
definition has the following attributes associated with it:
Attribute Value assigned
sensitivity From user command
byte-length That of the IMAGE data set
After loading the record definition, the IMAGE-DATASET contains RECORD relationship
is created. Furthermore, with each data item belonging to the data set, the RECORD
contains ELEMENT relationship is created. When creating the RECORD contains
ELEMENT relationship, the back-reference-flag attribute is initialized with the value of
the BACK-REFERENCE parameter.