MPE/iX Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (32650-90887)

Chapter 1 35
Glossary of Terms
UNIX System V and containing other features. These features include
Hewlett-Packard capabilities (such as graphics) and those from other
UNIX systems, such as 4.2 BSD from the University of California at
Berkeley. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
HPPATH A predefined, user-modifiable MPE/iX variable that controls where the
system searches for command and program files. By default these files are
searched for in the user's group, followed by the .PUB group of the user's
account, followed by the .PUB group of the .SYS account.
IF-THEN-ELSE statement A programming statement. When the IF condition is true,
the THEN action is performed. When the IF condition is false, the ELSE
action is performed.
implicit dereferencing A way of substituting the value of a variable in place of the
variable name. Implicit dereferencing is used with the CALC, IF,
SETVAR, and WHILE commands. See explicit dereferencing.
IMAGE A network database management system. It consists of a set of programs
and procedures used to define, create, access, and maintain a database.
implied RUN The ability to run a program without explicitly using the RUN command. In
MPE/iX it is not necessary to specify RUN EDITOR.PUB.SYS to invoke and
run the EDIT/3000 program. It is only necessary to enter EDITOR.
independent files Files that require only single-file consistency.
index In database terminology, a list of the contents of a file, with keys or
references for locating the contents. An index facilitates data retrieval.
indirect file A text file containing the parameters for a STORE or RESTORE command
that you execute regularly.
INITIAL See system generator (SYSGEN)
initialization state The state of a job/session when it begins to execute on its own stack.
Indicated by EXEC* when the SHOWJOB command is issued.
initialize To set to beginning values.
initialized volume After a member volume is defined with the NEWVOL command, it can
be made physically available to the volume set by giving it a volume label,
label table, and free space map with the INITVOL command of
VOLUTIL.PUB.SYS. See defined volumes.
initial system loader (ISL) ISL is the software used to bring up MPE/iX or perform a
memory dump to tape. It provides a user interface to obtain information
about the bootpath or to alter the bootpath. It is used to boot MPE/iX or
perform a memory dump to tape.
ink-jet printer A printer that forms characters by spraying ink through a tiny jet onto
input The data to be processed, or the process of transferring data from external
storage to the computer.
input/output (I/O) The process of, or equipment used in, transmitting information to or
from the computer.