MPE/iX Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (32650-90887)

Chapter 1 67
Glossary of Terms
to the MPE/XL VOLUTIL utility.
virtual memory MPE/iX virtual memory refers to providing programmers with the
appearance that the available memory space is many times larger than
the actual amount of main or even disk memory. MPE/iX provides this
capability by taking advantage of the system's extremely large addressing
virtual terminal (VT) An NS3000/XL service that provides interactive access to other
systems on a network.
VLSI Very large scale integrated circuit technology. VLSI technology puts over
100,000 gates on a single chip and is used for CPUs and memories.
volume A volume is one disk pack. Each volume is a member of a volume set and
contains a volume label, a label table, and a free space map.
volume class Volume classes are used for the allocation and restriction of disk space. A
volume class is a logical subset or partition within a volume set and can
include any number of physical member volumes of a volume set.
volume name The name given to a volume set or volume class with the NEWSET
command. The name may be assigned only by a user with CV (create
volume) capability, usually the system manager or account manager. The
volume name is an ASCII character string of up to eight alphanumeric
characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
volume failure See disk failure.
volume management A facility of MPE used to manage disk storage using volumes,
volume sets, and volume classes.
volume number A number used to specify a particular volume on a multivolume disk
volume set A volume set is a group of from 1 to 255 related disk packs. One volume of
the volume set must be designated as the master volume for the set. Each
volume set is assigned a name by which it is identified and referenced.
MPE/iX recognizes both system volume sets and nonsystem or mountable,
volume sets.
volume set information table (VSIT) A part of a master volume of a volume set
containing description and address information about volume sets.
volume states The states in which a volume can exist on a system. Accessible: MASTER
and MEMBER. Inaccessible: LONER, UNKNOWN, and SCRATCH.
volume testing The verification that the system will continue to operate when loaded to
each individual limit, the determination of what occurs when those limits
are exceeded, and the determination of what occurs when the system is
emptied after being in a full state.
VOLUTIL The MPE/iX volume utility that provides volume initialization and
maintenance, volume label and membership inquiries, and volume
space/sector status. Equivalent to the MPE V/E VINIT subsystem.
VPLUS/V An application designed to simplify forms design and screen handling for