Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

114 Chapter9
KSAM Intrinsics
7 U16 Last access date: The date in CALENDAR intrinsic format. May not be
up-to-date when the file is open.
Zero is returned as the last access date for root directories, MPE
accounts, and MPE groups created prior to release 4.5.
8 U16 Last modification date: The date in CALENDAR intrinsic format. May not
be up-to-date when the file is open.
Zero is returned as the modification date for root directories, MPE
accounts, and MPE groups created prior to release 4.5.
9 I16 File code of disk file
10 U16 Number of user labels written: May not be up-to-date when the file is
11 U16 Number of user labels available: May not be up-to-date when the file is
12 I32 Total number of logical records possible in the file: Equivalent to the file
limit measured in logical records.
13 U16 File options: The record format extension bit is returned as the foption
(1:1) bit. Byte stream record format is represented as a record format
extension of one with a variable record format (foption (8:2) bits equal
to 01).
Directories, symbolic links, device links, pipes and FIFO's cannot be
represented by
. If the object referenced by filenum is is an
object, MPE error 399 is returned in the associated
Refer to the
14 I16 Record size: Maintained for compatibility with MPE V/E-based
systems. (If a zero is returned, use
30 instead.)
15 I16 Block size: Maintained for compatibility with MPE V/E-based systems.
(If a zero is returned, use
31 instead.)
16 I16 Maximum number of extents: Maintained for compatibility with
MPE V/E-based systems. (If a zero is returned, use
17 I16 Last extent size: Indicates sectors. May not be up-to-date when the file
is open.
18 I16 Extent size: Indicates sectors. (If a zero is returned, use
19 U32 Number of logical records in file: Equivalent to EOF. May not be
up-to-date when the file is open.
Table 9-5. FLABELINFO Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description