Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Chapter 9 125
KSAM Intrinsics
Exclusive access. After the file is opened, any additional
HPFOPEN/FOPEN requests for this file are prohibited until
this process issues the FCLOSE request or terminates. If
any process is already accessing this file when an
HPFOPEN/FOPEN call is issued with exclusive access
specified, an error status is returned. If another
HPFOPEN/FOPEN call is issued for this file while exclusive
access is in effect, an error code is returned to the process
that issued the call. Request exclusive access only if the
lock access mode is allowed by the security provisions for
the file.
Read-share access (semi-exclusive access). After the file is
opened, concurrent write access to this file through
another HPFOPEN/FOPEN request is prohibited, whether
issued by this process or another process, until this
process issues the FCLOSE request or terminates. A
subsequent request for the read/write or update access
type option (
bit (12:4)) obtains read access.
However, other types of read access are allowed. If a
process already has write access to the file when this call
is issued, an error code is returned to the calling process. If
another HPFOPEN/FOPEN call that violates the read only
restriction is issued while read-share access is in effect,
that call fails and an error code is returned to the calling
process. Request read-share access only if the lock access
mode is allowed by the security provisions for the file.
Share access. After the file is opened, concurrent access to
this file by any process is permitted, in any access mode,
subject to other security provisions in effect.
Default: 00
5:2 Multiaccess mode option. KSAM XL/64 support no
multiaccess (00).
Default: 00
4:1 NOWAIT I/O option. KSAM XL/64 does not support
Default: 0
3:1 Copy mode option Determines whether a file should be
treated as a standard sequential file (copy by logical
record) or physical block (copy to another file).
KSAM XL/64 do not allow the copy mode option (0).