Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Chapter 9 161
KSAM Intrinsics
I32 2
Read-share access (semi-exclusive access). After the file is opened,
concurrent write access to this file through another HPFOPEN/FOPEN
request is prohibited, whether issued by this process or another process,
until this process issues the FCLOSE request or terminates. A
subsequent request for the read/write or update itemnum=11 obtains
read access. However, other types of read access are allowed. If a process
already has write access to the file when this HPFOPEN call is issued,
an error code is returned to the calling process. If another
HPFOPEN/FOPEN call that violates the read-only restriction is issued
while read-share access is in effect, that call fails and an error code is
returned to the calling process. You can request read-share access only if
you are allowed the lock access mode by the security provisions for the
file. For message files, specifying this value means that there can be
multiple readers, but only one writer.
Share access. After the file is opened, this permits concurrent access to
this file by any process, in any access mode, subject to other basic
MPE/iX security provisions in effect. For message files, specifying this
value means that there can be multiple readers and multiple writers.
Default: 0
17 I32 Copy mode:
Passes a value that determines if any file should be treated as a
standard sequential file so it can be copied by logical record or physical
block to another file.
The following values are valid:
0 The file is accessed as its own file type (for example, a
message file is treated as a message file).
1 The file is to be treated as a standard (STD) file, with
variable-length records. For message files, this allows
nondestructive reading of an old message file at either
the logical record or physical block record level. Only
block-level access is permitted if the file is opened with
write access. This prevents incorrectly formatted data
from being written to the message file while it is
unprotected. To access a message file in copy mode, a
process must have exclusive access to the file.
Default: 0
Table 9-7. HPFOPEN Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description