Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

172 Chapter9
KSAM Intrinsics
56 I32 Object class:
Passes a user object class number, in the range 0 to 10, that is associated
with the file.
Default: Determined by the file code for system and subsystem files, and
by the file type and record type for normal user files.
57 Reserved for MPE/iX.
58 Reserved for MPE/iX.
59 Reserved for MPE/iX.
60 Reserved for MPE/iX.
61 Reserved for MPE/iX.
64 ACD.
Table 9-8. FOPEN/HPFOPEN Parameter Equivalents
FOPEN Parameter HPFOPEN Itemnum,Item
(functional return)
formaldesig 2,formaldesig
Bits (14:2) Domain
Bit (13:1) ASCII/binary
Bits (10:3) File designator
Bits (8:2) Record format
Bit (7:1) Carriage-control
Bit (6:1) Labeled tape
Bit (5:1) Disallow file equation
Bits (2:3) File type
3, domain
53, ASCII/binary
5, file designator
6, record format
7, carriage-control
8, labeled tape
9, disallow file equation
10, file type
Table 9-7. HPFOPEN Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description