Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

90 Chapter9
KSAM Intrinsics
90 32-bit unsigned integer by reference. Record type:
The following valid record types may be returned:
0 Fixed
1 Variable
2 Undefined
3 Spool block
4 Root directory
5 Not applicable
6 Account directory
7 Group directory
8 Not applicable
9 Byte stream
10 Hierarchical directory
91 64-bit signed integer by reference. The current file size in bytes. The value
returned represents the current position of the End-of-File (EOF) and may not
reflect the number of bytes actually occupied by the file on disk if the file is
sparsely allocated.
92 32-bit signed integer by reference. KSAM file version:
This item returns a value indicating the version of a KSAM file. A value of 1
indicates an original type KSAM XL file, and a value of 2 indicates the next
generation KSAM XL file. A value of 4 indicates that it is a KSAM64 file. A value
of zero is returned if the file is not a KSAM file.
93 32-bit unsigned integer by reference. NM Plabel:
This item returns a 32-bit NM Plabel of a message file interrupt handler.
Interrupts may be enabled on message files by calling the FCONTROL intrinsic with
item 48 and the Plabel address.
Table 9-2. FFILEINFO Itemnum/Item Values
Item Description