Communicator e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 PowerPatch 5 (Software Release C.70.05) (30216-90370)

MPE/iX Patches on HP IT Resource Center
Chapter 1
AUTOPAT Installation Document Retrieval
AUTOPATINST is the “DOCID of the document with instructions to assist you in installing one or more patches
needed by your MPE/iX system using the AUTOPAT installation tool.
1. Access the HP IT Resource Center WEB site (previously the Electronic Support Center) using the
appropriate WEB address for your country.
2. In the Main Menu, Click on the link, “Search Technical Knowledge Base.
3. Enter: “ITRC User ID” and “password.”
4. In the Technical Knowledge Base Home page from the pull down menu, Click on “Search By DOC ID” (do
not Search by Keyword).
5. In the search field, enter “AUTOPATINST.
6. Click on the “SEARCH” button.
Create a CSLT Prior to Patch Installation
Before starting any patch application activity, you should always back up your system by creating a Custom
System Load Tape and a full backup. This will allow you the flexibility of restoring your system to the
previous environment. To create a CSLT, do the following:
1. Log on as MANAGER.SYS
3. >TAPE
CAUTION Hewlett-Packard is not liable for errors occurring during data transmission through the
Internet. HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment
that it has not furnished itself. Furthermore, for customers without a current support contract
with HP, HP is not responsible for answering any questions in regard to the use of this patch
delivery process.