Configuring and Managing Host-Based X.25 Links - Edition 5 (36939-90054)

Chapter 3 45
Configuring DTCs Step-by-Step
3 Configuring DTCs Step-by-Step
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for configuring
Datacommunications and Terminal Controllers (DTCs) for systems
using host-based network management. If you are using this manual to
configure DTCs, it is assumed that X.25 network connections will be
part of the host-based configuration.
Before using NMMGR to configure DTCs, you should complete the
worksheets provided. See Chapter 2, “Preparing to Configure DTCs,
for more information on planning your configuration and filling out the
configuration worksheets.
This chapter includes step-by-step instructions to help you perform the
following tasks:
Configure host information.
Configure information for each DTC connected to the system.
Configure information for each direct connect and modem card
contained in any DTC connected to the system.
Configure information for each DTC/X.25 Network Access card
contained in any DTC connected to the system, including:
X.25 level 1, 2, and 3 parameters.
System-to-system local user group information.
Nailed PAD connections and PAD security.
Validate your network configuration (SYSGEN cross-validation is
done automatically within NMMGR).
If you are configuring a system that does not require X.25
system-to-system or PAD configuration, use Configuring Systems for
Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices instead of this manual.