HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

ACTION Contact the DA (remember to supply the library error number). Internal Error.
1830 MESSAGE MPE command is too long (SDERR 1830)
CAUSE The entered MPE command is too long.
ACTION Limit the MPE command to 256 characters and reenter it.
1831 MESSAGE Invalid MPE command (SDERR 1831)
CAUSE The specified MPE command is not a legal MPE command.
ACTION Enter a legal MPE command.
CAUSE The specified MPE command is not allowed to be issued from within SDMAIN.
ACTION Enter an MPE command that can be issued through the command intrinsic.
1832 MESSAGE MPE Executor error number ! (SDERR 1832)
CAUSE An error was encountered while executing the MPE command.
ACTION Use the error number to look up the error for the specified command in the MPE
Intrinsics Manual.
1840 MESSAGE Intrinsic logging is already ! (SDWARN 1840)
CAUSE Intrinsic logging is already set in the indicated position.
ACTION None is needed as logging is already set as desired.
1841 MESSAGE Version is already set to ! status (SDWARN 1841)
CAUSE The status of the version is already set to the status specified.
ACTION None is needed as the status of the version is already what is desired. However, a
check should be made to make sure that the version name is correct and you are not
trying to set the status of a different version than expected.