HP System Dictionary/XL Utilities Reference Manual - Part 1 SDDBD (32256-90003)

178 AppendixE
SDVPD Error Messages
3100 MESSAGE: Unknown SDVPD command (SDERR 3100)
CAUSE: The command issued is not a valid SDVPD command.
ACTION: Check your command and see if it is one of the SDVPD commands.
3102 MESSAGE: Expecting 'Y' or 'N' answer (SDERR 3102)
CAUSE: You entered something other than 'Y' or 'N' at a yes/no question.
ACTION: Answer with 'Y' or 'N' at the question.
3103 MESSAGE: Illegal response to option prompt (SDERR 3103)
CAUSE: You entered something other than 'S', 'R', 'N', 'T' at the SDVPD option prompt.
ACTION: Answer with 'S', 'R', 'N', or 'T' at the prompt.
3104 MESSAGE: Command ending period is missing (SDERR 3104)
CAUSE: You issued a command without a command ending period.
ACTION: Issue the REDO command and attach a command ending period.
3105 MESSAGE: Expecting equal sign (SDERR 3105)
CAUSE: An equal sign is missing. The place where SDVPD expects an equal sign is pointed
with '^'.
ACTION: Issue the REDO command to insert the equal sign.
3106 MESSAGE: Parameter separating semi-colon missing (SDERR 3106)
CAUSE: A command is issued with parameters not properly separated by a semi-colon.
ACTION: Issue the REDO command to insert the semi-colon.
3107 7MESSAGE: Superfluous parameters found after command ending period
(SDERR 3107)
CAUSE: An extraneous token is found after the command ending period.
ACTION: Issue the REDO command to delete the token after the command ending period.
3108 MESSAGE: Found more arguments than command requires (SDERR 3108)
CAUSE: An extraneous token is found after a one word command.
ACTION: Issue the REDO command to delete the extraneous tokens.
3109 MESSAGE: Mismatched quotes (SDERR 3109)
CAUSE: Closing quote not found where expected in quoted password.
ACTION: Use REDO command or retype command with correct password.
3110 MESSAGE: Unknown DEFINE parameter (SDERR 3110)
CAUSE: A define command is issued with an unrecognizable parameter.
ACTION: Check the command you just issued and see if the parameter has been