MPE/iX Documentation Guide (32650-90896)

Chapter 8 85
Networking and Communications
Networking and Communications
Troubleshooting SNA IMF/XL.
SNA Link/iX Node Manager's Guide
Part Number: 30291-90507
Functional Focus: Node management
This guide describes Hewlett-Packard's system network architecture link products for the
MPE/iX operating system.
This guide contains information on the following topics:
SNA node and link configuration.
Logging configuration.
SNA node startup and shutdown.
SNA link troubleshooting.
SNACONTROL commands.
SNA NRJE Node Manager's Guide
Part Number: 30292-90007
Functional Focus: System administration and network management
This guide describes system network architecture network remote job entry (SNA NRJE)
for MPE V/E (NRJE/V) and MPE/iX (NRJE/XL).
This guide contains information on the following topics:
SNA NRJE installation guidelines.
SNA NRJE configuration.
SNA NRJE workstation startup and shutdown.
Troubleshooting SNA NRJE.
SNA NRJE commands.
SNA NRJE User/Programmer Reference Manual
Part Number: 30292-90006
Functional Focus: System administration and high-level programming
This manual describes system network architecture network remote job entry (SNA
NRJE) for both the MPE V/E (NRJE/V) and MPE/iX (NRJE/XL).
This manual contains information on the following topics:
Getting started with and using NRJE.
NRJE user commands.
NRJE job output.